Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Support Blocking Robo-Calls

You probably get fewer unwanted robocalls to your cell phone than you get on your landline phone.

That's because there's a law — the Telephone Consumer Protection Act — that prohibits most robocalls to cell phones. It could not be more clear.

But that could soon change if we don't take action!

A provision in last fall's Federal budget bill allows debt collectors to robocall cell phones to find people who owe student debt, back taxes and much more — unless we pass the “HANG UP” Act — and repeal this provision!

Tell your Senators to cosponsor the “HANG UP” Act and repeal robocalls to cell phones.

When we started our “End Robocalls” campaign, hardly anyone believed robocalls could be stopped.

The Do Not Call list wasn't working. Scammers quickly disappeared and reopened shop before the cops could find them. And your phone company just ignored you when you asked for help.

But you told us robocalls were ruining your quality of life. And for others, your bank accounts. Some $350 million is stolen each year from consumers — mainly the elderly who take these calls and are quickly duped.

So we gathered almost 600,000 signatures, held events around the country, got on the TV and radio…and now we're seeing movement everywhere. The FCC opined that the phone companies can and should provide blocking technology to customers. Time Warner Cable integrated one blocking tool — NoMoRobo — into its systems. The phone companies want to talk, and fifteen Senators have already cosponsored the “HANG UP” Act.

Tell your two Senators to cosponsor the HANG UP Act and repeal robocalls to cell phones NOW.

After you take action, take a look at all the other work we're doing to help you fend off the robocalls. Our campaign (check it out at EndRobocalls.org) has put this problem back into the spotlight, so we hope you will share it with friends and family.

Tim Marvin,
EndRobocalls.org Campaign Team lead,
Consumer Reports
101 Truman Ave
Yonkers, NY

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