Saturday, September 28, 2019

Global Climate Intelligence Group Formed

     The Global Climate Intelligence Group has attracted some 500 signatures from scientists, professionals and researchers from many nations for what began life scant weeks ago as the European Climate Declaration. Its objective is to put the science back into climate science.

     The group was initiated by Professor Guus Berkhout, who is emeritus professor of Geophysics in the Delft University of Technology and a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.

     He is joined by Professor Václav Klaus, former President of the Czech Republic, Professor Richard Lindzen, the world’s foremost climate scientist, Professors Reynald du Berger, Jeffrey Foss, Ingemar Nordin, Alberto Prestinzini, Benoît Rittaud and Fritz Vahrenholt from Canada,  Sweden, Italy, France and Germany respectively.

     Their declaration says –

Climate science should be less political and climate policies more scientific
Scientists should openly address the uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should address the real benefits as well as the likely costs of adaptation/mitigation to global warming.

Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming
The Earth’s climate has varied with natural cold and warm phases as long as the planet has existed. The Little Ice Age ended in 1850 and we now are experiencing a natural warming period.

Climate change is not well understood
The world has warmed at less than half the originally-predicted rate, as would be expected on the basis of net anthropogenic forcing and radiative imbalance.

Climate models are not plausible for policy tools.
They most likely exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and ignore the beneficial enriching the atmosphere with CO2.

CO2 is essential to photosynthesis for all life on Earth.
Additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass and increased the yields of crops worldwide.

Global warming has not increased natural disasters
There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent.

Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities
There is no climate emergency and consequently no cause for panic and alarm. The net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050 is harmful and unrealistic. The aim of international policy should be to provide reliable and affordable energy worldwide.

     Future work of the Group will:
·         include an online, open-access Journal of Corrections to publish learned papers, peer-reviewed by qualified members of the Group
·         host national and international scientific conferences, providing speakers and lecturers willing to balance the one-sided and militantly wrong pseudo-science that now holds sway,
·         provide articles and documentaries for those of the mainstream media who are willing to giving both sides of every story,
·         establish a legal defense fund to assist those who have been libeled, punished or dismissed for daring to not take no one’s word for it, but to go on asking questions
·         establish online universities on the model of the Open University and Liberty University,
·         establish an internet based home-schooling network for pupils aged 3 to 18
·         establish friendly relations with other independent-minded entities worldwide that are dedicated to the advancement of true science free of totalitarian taint
     The Group argues that
·         scientists should openly address the uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming,
·         politicians should count the real benefits of mitigation as well as the costs of adaptation to global warming.

Adapted from:

WARNING: We were unable to verify the authenticity of the claims in the aforenoted wattsupwiththat publication including the following statement contained within:
The text, together with the list of prominent scientist who have signed, is at Membership in the Group requires a submission of one’s resume and approval by an academic council.

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