Thursday, May 28, 2015

Political Idiocy

     In 2003 we were among the very few voices the rallied against the idiocy that soon became the Iraq War, especially when it is a political decision made either in the "heat of the moment" and for self-serving purposes.  George W Bush took this country to a war justified by falsified facts. Some were knowingly falsified and some were the result of poor and less competent decision-making expertise.  The result will be his and America's legacy for all time.
     We should not be so quick to forgive and forget the others who pushed Bush to this decision.We should be quick to be wary of those who seem ambivalent about this black-eye on our history.  Most definitely, they should not be put in leadership positions to repeat this insanity.

     Far too often, a President is pressured to take military action to validate his "back-bone," such as the case for Vietnam and the Arab uprising in the Middle East, resulting in America being identified unequivocally as the world "bully." Far too many in leadership positions expect the President to demonstrate this might frequently on lesser opponents.  What does take "back-bone" is to resist those quick to the trigger and to make doubly sure of the facts before sending the children of others to die for one's xenophobia.
     Again after the fall of Ramadi familiar noise reverberates.  Stratfor's lead military analyst, Paul Floyd, wrote his reflections on the fall of Ramadi.  He served in the U.S. Army's 75th Ranger Regiment, a core component of the United States Army Special Operations Command.  He deployed multiple times to Iraq and Afghanistan in a combat role.

He concludes
Does the enemy's taking of a place that people died fighting for disparage their memory, and, should we let it influence our actions? . . . I find it hard to justify sending more soldiers to fight, where some will inevitably die, solely in an effort to protect the memories of those already dead.

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